Sunday, November 30, 2014
Circle Fun Two
For this circle design I used the negative portion of the die cut shown in yellow. With the frame in place, the tan portion, I glued the circles in place and then I removed the frame itself. I embellished with a die cut flower and leaf and added more circles on top of circles. The smallest bits are dimensional paint.
I guess you could say I was being negative here.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Circle Fun One
This fun circle die can add a lot of color. I used it three different ways. In this case I popped up the circle frame, the white portion, and put the die cut circles flat on the card. Then I embellished simply with a burlap flower and die cut leaf.
I was really going in circles for a while.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Ice Floe
Talkeetna is the confluence of the Talkeetna, Susitna and Chulitna Rivers and a short walk from the end of the main street takes you to the water. The mountain range shown in the photo above should include Denali but it's almost always covered by clouds. This was the first time I had seen ice floe and there was quite a bit of ice. At the edge of the water the ice was clear and about 3" thick.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! We truly have so much to be thankful for and it's nice to have a holiday to share with family and friends. And who doesn't love a turkey dinner with all the sides and desserts?!
The background for my card was made on my gelli plate with acrylic paint. The happy is the negative portion of a die cut. It's easy to use the positive portion of a die cut but I also try to use the negative when I can so I get full use of my supplies. Plus, it's just a different look. The leaves are punched.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Talkeetna, Alaska
While in Alaska we drove north to Talkeetna, established in 1916 when the area was chosen as the district headquarters for the Alaska Railroad.. It was very quiet the day we visited but during the summer months it teems with excitement and activity as teams prepare to climb Denali.
Nagley's Store, shown here, is on the National Historic Register and home of the town mayor, Stubbs (a cat without a tail). Stubbs was elected as a write-in candidate on the ballot in 1997 but since Talkeetna is unincorporated, the title is only honorary. We didn't see Stubbs. He has a history of getting into trouble and was reportedly recovering from injuries incurred in a cat fight. Unique little place -- and the Twister Creek Restaurant serves a delicious Philly Cheesesteak sandwich with sweet potato wedges.
Nagley's Store, shown here, is on the National Historic Register and home of the town mayor, Stubbs (a cat without a tail). Stubbs was elected as a write-in candidate on the ballot in 1997 but since Talkeetna is unincorporated, the title is only honorary. We didn't see Stubbs. He has a history of getting into trouble and was reportedly recovering from injuries incurred in a cat fight. Unique little place -- and the Twister Creek Restaurant serves a delicious Philly Cheesesteak sandwich with sweet potato wedges.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Although it was quite a distance away, we definitely saw this iceberg which had fallen from Portage Glacier. The lake used to be full of them.
Monday, November 24, 2014
From the Conservancy Center we drove a bit further down the highway and into Portage Cove. The Portage Glacier used to be visible down by the water but with global warming it has receded high into the mountain. We did, however, see an iceberg that had come from the glacier and made it to the lake.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The caribou and reindeer are the same animal but Santa only uses the reindeer. I think this might be one of his. They can run 37-50 mph but we know they move much faster than that when pulling the sleigh.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Caribou are still quite plentiful in the Alaska wild and large herds of them migrate between areas. This guy had obviously shed one of his antlers and the other one will fall soon. They grow a new set every year, each slightly bigger than the previous. They eat lichen and live about 17 years.
Friday, November 21, 2014
What Does The Fox Say?
This pretty little red fox wasn't saying much but he certainly had a way of letting his keeper know his wishes. He got quite impatient when the owl in the neighboring cage got fed first (dead mice). The fox was well trained and would go into and come out of a kennel as requested by the keeper. And when it was his turn to be fed, he even licked the container while the keeper held it. Such a pretty little animal.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Lynx Number Two
We thought maybe one of the lynx was male but we were wrong. This one was happy in a box built high in the cage and was busy taking in his surroundings and the silly people who came to visit.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Sleepy Time
There were two lynx who occupied a really big cage at the Center. They were trapped in a fire when young and were carried to safety in the backpack of a firefighter. Because they were too young to learn hunting skills from their mother, they are permanent residents at the center. Gotta love those little tufts on the ends of the ears and at the bottom of their cheeks.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
There were only two moose in the Center but I don't know their story. I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that moose are the most often seen wildlife in Alaska. That said, it was surprising that we didn't see any in the wild this trip despite the miles we traveled. I've often thought that spare parts left over from other animals went into the making of the moose. They aren't exactly pretty but they manage well (when they stay away from the highways and railroad tracks). They are responsible for more human deaths and injuries than bear and I'd give them a very wide berth if I ever encountered one in the wild. They seem gentle but those hooves are deadly.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Musk Ox
There were just a few musk ox in the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It was funny to see them run across their yard when they heard the staff vehicle approach that area. But it was a ploy to get them moved so another staff member could go into the first area to provide something. When they realized it was a fake call they all went running back to where they were originally. You probably know that their wool, qiviut, is quite valuable and sells for $40-80 per ounce. It is very soft, warm and durable. There were some pretty knitted scarves for sale in the gift shop. They were out of my price range but at least I got to feel that super wool.
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014
Digging & Sitting
There was one Grizzly in the Center and while the black bears were very still, this guy was walking around and then stopped to dig in the snow. He uncovered some morsel of food and then sat upright on his haunches and looked around. I don't think I've ever seen a bear do that before.
Friday, November 14, 2014
More Edward Hopper
This was a simple, single flower. I enjoyed it's bright color and it was good fodder for play. This time I used the Edward Hopper filter again and think the texture added to the overall effect.
King of The Mountain

There were two black bear in the Conservation Center in Alaska. One was already in the den, thought (we were told) not completely hibernating yet) and the other was on a hill overlooking the grounds. We were told that the two black bear would probably hibernate within a week, with the grizzly doing likewise the following week. It's always a joy to see bear in Alaska.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
An Itch Nees To Be Scratched
It was a good thing this tree wasn't any smaller because the bull elk was repeatedly scratching his head on it. I'm guessing those antlers get pretty itchy before they are shed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Wildlife Conservation
The bull elk at the Conservation Center put on a good show. He even bugled, probably to announce that he was in charge of the significant number of females in the herd.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thanks, Veterans
While in Alaska we went several places we had never been before. First it was to Girdwood, home of the Alyeska Resort where Tommy Moe did a lot of skiing and found his way into the Olympics. We had lunch at the Bake Shop and then traveled further south on the highway to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. The Center takes orphaned or injured creatures, nurses them back to health and releases them back to their natural setting if possible. Mukluk (musk ox), Hugo (grizzly bear), Venetie (lynx) and Adonis (bald eagle) are permanent residents. This is Adonis who was shot and lost one wing. He won't be released but instead has the duty of watching over the daily happenings at the Center. He was mighty handsome.
Seemed a good choice of images for Veterans Day.
Seemed a good choice of images for Veterans Day.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Alaska Characters
You've seen some of those Alaska "reality" shows on TV, right? -- where they show some rather interesting characters. When visiting you always wonder if you will actually see some and the answer for us was a definitely! These were actually actresses and actors costumed for various parts to perform a murder mystery in Fairbanks. They were having a great time. My husband became their official photographer and took several photos for them.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Let's Go To Alaska!
My husband and I recently made a trip to Alaska to spend time with our son and daughter-in-law. We arrived on October 24 and they had just received their first snow. We took the Alaska Rails (a first for us) from Anchorage to Wasilla on the 25th. This was my best photo from the train, taken as we crossed the Matanuska River. We spent most of the ride in the dining car which worked out great because there were really big windows (and the food was good, too).
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Kumihimo In Gold
Unfortunately the photo doesn't do this necklace justice. Maybe I'll have to invest in a jewlery form that showcases necklaces better. The necklace has a beautiful sparkle and was made using the larger 6/0 beads. The clasp is a pretty leaf which adds a nice element and it could be worn with the clasp to the front or somewhere at the side. I'll be doing more in different colors.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Kumihimo Totally Beaded
I've continued doing Kumihimo projects. This one is totally beaded, using mostly 8/0 seed beads but with some larger beads as a focal point. I'm learning quite a lot as I go along and one of the things I'm learning is there's a lot about this ancient craft that I don't know at all. So I'll keep practicing.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Chihuly Comes To An End
Alas, the Chihuly exhibit came to an end. These pieces were in the lobby of the Conservatory. They were quite different from any of the other glass pieces and I especially admired those leaves.
I repeat, if you ever have a chance to see one of Chihuly's exhibits, by all means make an attempt to do so. I hope I have done it justice with my photos.
So tomorrow we'll move on to a new subject.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Chihuly Inside
There were even Chihuly displays inside the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory. These were quite a bit harder to photograph because they were more tightly placed in the plants and lighting could be a problem. But they were certainly no less beautiful than their counterparts that were outside. This collection was titled, "Flores tropicales." Couldn't linger too long to look because it was hot and humid! - but the glass seemed happy.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Renoir Style
While I was at the Denver Botanical Gardens in September I not only took photos of the Chihuly visit but also shot some of the beautiful flowers. Then I had a new Topaz filter to play with called, "Impressions." The original photo is shown to the left and the photo above is the result of applying a Renoir filter. What a nice way to making a painting. I hope Renoir would be proud.
Float Boat
The "Float Boat" was very colorful and certainly filled to capacity with floats. However, it appears it was overfilled since some floats escaped to float directly on the water on the water. I bet the kids loved the color in this display. I know I did.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Chihuly Triple Play
This group of green beauties was also in the Monet Pool at the Denver Botanical Garden. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking the garden is going to look a lot different when these pieces are removed. I wonder if the garden will be able to buy one to keep permanently? That would be nice.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Things To Be Happy About - November
pumpkin patches
country fruit stands
time spent with grandkids
travel to Alaska so see family
colorful beads in many shapes
falling leaves
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